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Want to run a climate-action project? See here for ideas (part ii)

A key part of Climate Action Leeds is understanding what sort of impact the partnership's work is having and how it could help future efforts on climate.

This means that when a project is delivered - such as the Forest Garden run by Climate Action Seacroft, one of CAL's eight neighbourhood hubs - it's reviewed by our Learning & Evaluation Partner, CAG Consultants.

In this case, the volunteers' hard work is visibly represented in a transformed piece of land which now produces fruit and vegetables as well as hosting family events and children's activities. One volunteer described sitting underneath the garden's oak tree as "bliss". Given this success, CAG's role is to identify how the approach taken in Seacroft could be copied or amended elsewhere.

CAG's report found that: "The Seacroft Community Forest Garden project has transformed an overgrown, unused site into a haven for people, wildlife and food growing. It is driven by local residents and provides a space where they can get actively involved in the project design and delivery. The vegetables and fruit grown on site are donated to a local food pantry and food bank."

The detailed report includes many other key takeaways, so anyone who is interested can apply that learning to their own work on, or understanding of, climate action. This includes calculating the "carbon saving" that the Forest Garden represents each year, and how this figure might look look if similar areas were created across Leeds.

You can read and download the full report below - please feel free to share.

Looking forward, CAL's Nature Transition Partner, Hyde Park Source (which provided expert support to the Forest Garden project) is working with Climate Action Seacroft and Leeds City Council to ensure that the site is open to as many people as possible. You can find out more about Climate Action Seacroft and Hyde Park Source via their websites.


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