18 - 26 September 2021 is Great Big Green Week! Nation-wide, communities across the country will be hosting 3000+ events celebrating action on climate change.
This is the biggest collective of events for climate and nature ever in the UK, and everyone’s invited to get involved! Visit greatbiggreenweek.com.
You, and your community, can join in together for the Great Big Green Week. There are so many ways to get involved and show up for our planet. With activities you can do at home, or organising a Green Week in your area: you can help make history and be part of the biggest climate event the UK has ever seen.
By simple getting involved you show decision makers that people from ALL walks of life are stepping up to take action on climate change – because we need them to step up too.

Events happening during Great Big Green Week in Leeds
Beeston Festival | Saturday 18th Sept
12 - 5pm, Cross Flatts Park, LS11
This event is FREE to attend and takes place in Cross Flatts Park, Beeston. There will be music and dance performances; arts and crafts; sports; children and young people activities; information; a bazaar; animals; games and produce stalls; food and drink stalls; and a funfair!
This year the festival is going planet-friendly and will be featuring:
Leeds Repair cafe "Come along to our tent at Beeston Festival and see what we’re about. We’re a friendly bunch and we can help you fix your things – we’re generally willing to have a go at most stuff!" Whether it's clothes, tents, computers, food mixers, kitsch ornaments, kids toys; who knows what we’ll see?
the climate hub
uniform swap
unwanted item donate and take
bike fixing
recycling education
a mural depicting the future of Leeds
and more...

Food stalls will be using compostable catering materials, all vendors are encouraged to do the same.
Check out the Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/BeestonFestival
For more information and the schedule: https://beestonfestival.org.uk/
Headingley Car Free Street Fair | Sunday 19th Sept
1 - 4.30pm, North Lane, Leeds, LS6
Come and enjoy a Street Fair without the noise, pollution and congestion of motor traffic!

North Lane will be closed to traffic between 1 - 5pm and transformed into a bustling pedestrianised street. There'll be a range of stalls including food, crafts and environmental groups, plus music and entertainment for kids. It's all set up to be brilliant community day that really celebrates everything that Headingley has to offer.
The fair is also part of a wider campaign to make Headingley more pedestrian and cycle friendly, improve public transport and reduce HGV and car traffic. Hopefully many will be able to make it down to join in the fun! Get in touch with Zero Carbon Headingley if you’d like to be involved.
View details, sign up and share the Car Free Street Fair event on facebook
Youth 4 Climate Leeds Protest - Wave of Change | Friday 24th Sept
3 - 6pm | Millennium Square
Join Youth 4 Climate Leeds at Millennium square to show that this generation will not and CANNOT stand for the injustice of climate change.

All welcome, any accessibility concerns will be sorted out by getting in touch with them.
"This is YOUR space. The age of injustice is over. It's now or never - it's time for change.⌛️⚠️
Take your tests, wear your masks, bring your voice, and see you there."
View details, sign up and share the Wave of Change demonstration event on facebook