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Case Study: Seacroft Craftivists

Updated: Oct 5, 2023

Seacroft Craftivists are a local group who use donated yarn, beads and other craft items to campaign on environmental related issues.

Their craft activities and campaigns so far have included:

  • Handmade flowers to campaign against herbicides

  • Twiddle mitts and mats for people with dementia

  • Knitted and crocheted hearts for the city's two hospital mortuaries

To date Seacroft Craftivists have delivered over 100 twiddle mitts, had local Primary Care Nursing team and Dementia workers speak to the group and also had a Citizen Scientist share what he’s learnt about biodiversity, which lead to them campaigning around the use of herbicides.

Their current project is a sun-safe campaign, making items that will be donated to the community pantry at LS14 Trust. This has also been done previously with winter-based items blankets, bed socks, hats, scarves, etc. which were accessed by users of the community pantry without additional cost.

Through these campaigns, the group has learned that there are a lot of talented people who don't necessarily see their talents.

Climate Action Seacroft Hub Worker Clarrie Ramsden says: “It has been great to watch people grow in confidence & enjoy themselves, as well as make informed choices, as they take part in discussions on making environmentally aware choices, like using beeswax wraps, rather than clingfilm.”

If you live in Seacroft or the surrounding area & would like to get involved, Seacroft Craftivists meet most Thursdays 11am-1pm at LS14 Trust at Ramshead Hill shops on Ramshead Approach. For more information email or contact them through their Facebook page: Climate Action Seacroft


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