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Alwoodley 2030's Low Carbon Homes Club host first 'Ask Me Anything' event

Alwoodley 2030 Low Carbon Homes Club held their first in-person meet up earlier this month, with a panel of 3 experts including two representatives from Groundwork's Green Doctor and their own community expert, Jed.


The idea for the "Ask Me Anything?" event came from the What'sApp group they host, in which people can post their questions & queries - so that anyone with relevant & useful experience can respond.  The busy traffic on the group shows that there is a lot of interest as well as expertise out there and that the opportunity to meet up face to face as well as communicating on social media would be another way of giving people the opportunity to share & learn from each other.


Conversations flowed during the event, between home energy assessments and where to look for funding opportunities, to tips for finding a trustworthy tradesperson and when you should be paying VAT, to the types of insulation and where to put it.  Discussions were non-stop and everyone left feeling inspired to start work on making their homes more comfortable and efficient this winter. 


The next meeting is on January 15th at the Alwoodley Community Association and will be on the theme "What can I do myself?".  Please register here:  Everyone is welcome, not just Alwoodley residents.


To find out more about the Green Doctor warm homes service, visit


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