Tue, 31 Oct
|Imagine Leeds: the climate action hub
Arts and Climate Assembly
Climate Action Leeds is hosting an exciting day of activities and workshops as part of Arts and Climate Week at Imagine Leeds
Time & Location
31 Oct 2023, 12:00 – 16:00
Imagine Leeds: the climate action hub, 7th floor, City Exchange, 11 Albion St, Leeds LS1 5ES, UK
About the Event
Join the Climate Action Leeds team for workshops and family-friendly activities based around a variety of areas of climate, nature and social justice. And explore the 'Human Aquarium' exhibition that is taking over Imagine Leeds for our Arts & Climate Week, in partnership with Yorkshire Life Aquautic.
Our afternoon of free workshops include:
Banner painting (12pm onwards)
- Come and join us for a collective banner making workshop, putting together some beautiful banners we can use at events and to decorate our beautiful space. No materials or previous experience necessary. We shouldn't get too messy but you might want to wear clothes you're not too precious about.
Eco glitter stencils (12-1pm)
- Plastic-based glitter may look pretty, but aside from the fact that plastics are made from fossil fuels, microplastics are really damaging to the environment - they get in the soil, the sea, and the food chain. Drop in to learn about eco alternatives to using microplastics and get a free eco glitter body stencil.
Transport and poetry (12-1pm)
- Through the power of poetry, we will explore a vision for transport in Leeds. Bring your imagination and come with us on a journey to a climate and people friendly transport system. This is an interactive workshop for both children and adults.
Community composting (12-1pm)
- Annie Whitehead is the Community Compost Collective Project Worker for FoodWise. She will run an interactive workshop exploring why composting is important, how to engage people and lessons learnt from the project to date.
Nature workshop (1:30-2:30pm)
- Make a Terrarium with Hyde Park Source - create a mini living ecosystem in a jar to take home and nurture. Exploration and discussions around themes of interconnectedness and find out more about what is happening around the theme of Nature in Leeds.
Christmas craftivism (1:30-2:30pm)
- Join the Seacroft Craftivists to try your hand at making Christmas decorations out of donated felt. We’ll be doing what we do best - sitting around a table creating and chatting.
Climate justice (1:30-2:30pm)
- This session is about planet repairs, its impact on climate justice and its importance in relation with our ongoing grassroots efforts.
Education workshop (3-4pm)
- How far can your poo travel? How can growing cocoa protect the planet? Join Leeds DEC to take part in fun taster activities and join their interactive online course for communities, teachers and young people. Finally you will design your own poster to share your climate messages with a wider audience.
Doughnut economics (3-4pm)
- This interactive session will introduce the ‘Doughnut’ model, how it can support our understanding of Climate Justice and the interconnectedness of life on our planetary home. A short animation will also be shown to help illustrate this and show us how Leeds is doing in keeping its citizens in the safe and just space where humanity can thrive.
Imagining a new economy (3-4pm)
- Using painting, arts, and ideals to practically engage people in imaginaries of change otherwise not seen as connected or relevant to changing the economy, using historical examples for structure, with a key output of a single, large abstract piece that brings all these values and people together for us to appreciate and reflect on as we continue our journeys.
This event is completely free and open to all who wish to attend. If there are any specific workshops from the list above that you would like to attend you can select them on the RSVP form and register for each session.
Many of the workshops are child and family friendly, so young people are very welcome to attend and explore.
Free snacks and refreshments will be available throughout the afternoon.
We very much look forward to welcoming you to Imagine Leeds!
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to get in touch on hello@climateactionleeds.org.uk