21st Sept: 5.30-7.30pm at Meanwood Valley Urban Farm
This Food and Climate event, hosted by Zero Carbon Yorkshire in partnership with Foodwise Leeds, will give participants the chance to find out about local food and growing schemes. Hosted with ZCY's Postcode Lottery funding, the event will support people, groups and organisations to reduce their carbon footprints. Along with Foodwise Leeds, a Climate Action Leeds transition partner, this event forms part of their work to develop a good carbon practise network and create a healthy and sustainable and fair food system for everyone in the city.
Activities Include:
Compost Collective: A community compost scheme
Food Top Trumps activity
Information about local Veg Box schemes
Leeds Recipe Hub
Talks on the Leeds Food Strategy / Carbon Calculator scheme
Plus: a chance to meet members of Zero Carbon Yorkshire and Climate Action Leeds teams, discussion groups, and pledges around Food and Climate!
Book your FREE ticket on Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/food-and-climate-event-tickets-4069671687