Time & Location
03 Apr 2023, 19:00 – 10 Jul 2023, 21:00
Leeds, 11 Albion St, Leeds LS1 5ES, UK
About the Event
This book club is an opportunity to explore Joanna Macy's book, "Active Hope: How to Face the Mess We’re in with Unexpected Resilience & Creative Power". Over the course of seven weeks participants will read the book and consider its content in relation to their own activism.
The sessions will take place from 7-9pm on:
- 3 April - introduction
- 24 April
- 8 May
- 22 May
- 12 June (note this is a three week gap due to the bank holiday)
- 26 June
- 10 July
Participants will be asked to commit to joining all - or as many of - the sessions as possible. Places are limited to 12. We may be able to support participants to purchase copies of the book.
For more information, please email andrew.metheven@ourfutureleeds.org.
"When our responses are guided by the intention to act for the healing of our world, the mess we’re in not only becomes easier to face, our lives also become more meaningful and satisfying."
Book club participant
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